Choose a money charm for good luck.

The desire to attract good luck, to enlist the support of higher powers is peculiar to a person. For this, from time immemorial, various talismans have been used, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many generations of practitioners. The most important thing is to have pure thoughts and know how to work with them correctly.

The most powerful talismans for good luck

The amulets for attracting money and good luck are varied, but the Israeli thread, which originates from the practice of Kabbalah, rabbit's foot, clover, horseshoe, is considered the most powerful and effective.

Some of them, for example, a horseshoe, is a traditionally Slavic symbol that was usually hung over the front door of a house so that the family would always live in prosperity and prosperity. Others come from oriental practices, but this does not make them less effective.

To attract money and open a financial flow, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you must have a small figure of a toad at home. And you can find a good job if you constantly carry a small picture of a pig with you.

How the main amulets and talismans work

The Good Luck Charm is not just a beautiful trinket, it is an energy-charged talisman that activates positive energy around its wearer and attracts success to him.

Anyone who constantly has one of the charms with him and sincerely believes in its positive impact will be successful. You shouldn't expect millions to fall from the sky, but a well-deserved promotion at work or receiving a long-awaited bonus is quite possible.

Red Israel thread on the left wrist

protects from evil spells red thread Israeli amulet

Traditionally, this charm for good luck can be bought in Israel at the Wailing Wall, however, in modern life, simplification of the ritual is also allowed. Those who wish to impose a red thread on their hands buy a skein of wool, charge it with energy and use it.

Pay attention! The red thread protects from evil spells, the evil eye and corruption, helps to get rid of the influence of the wicked, and also to learn to save.

Imperial Amulet

Represents a coin with a hole made in it, the main purpose is a money charm, it must be bought by entrepreneurs, as well as all those whose work is related to sales, real estate, finance. Impact:

  • Helps in career advancement.
  • Protection against failed deals and hasty decisions.
  • Income growth.

Slavic Amulets

Various amulets were used to attract money for prosperity andSlavic amulet to attract money and well-being. in Slavic culture. Traditionally, they were made of wood or red threads and were always carried with you.

The disappearance of the amulet meant that it fulfilled its function and that the wearer was no longer needed. The most popular Slavic charms for good luck are Serpentine, Kolovrat, Ladunets, Velesovik. They can be made on your own or bought at "Path to Me" or other esoteric stores.


This is a well-known talisman that can attract success. It was located above the front door; upon moving in, the family certainly took it with them.

Pay attention! The horseshoe is placed with its horns facing down on the door, thus protecting family members from negative spells and ruin.


This is a wonderful money charm. That is why, in ancient times, many people went to the forest to find magic clover.

But the image of a plant itself is so energetically powerful that it will help its bearer to find material well-being and to enlist the support of good forces.

Rabbit's foot: a heritage of Indian culture

This is a charm of wealth and luck, as well as an original way to increase the probability of conceiving a child. A rabbit foot placed under the bed is believed to be practically a safe way to get pregnant.

The tradition of wearing a white rodent's leg came from the indigenous peoples of America, where such a pendant was worn around the neck.

Pay attention! Charms for luck and money made from the legs of a rodent trapped in a graveyard in the dark were considered the most effective.

Golden Key

This is not only a symbol of power, but also an opportunity to gain the support of magical powers to obtain real wealth.golden key amulet power symbolDon't think that a money talisman will do everything for a person. However, it will help you gain self-confidence and good luck.

There are other talismans for money, for example, an Indian elephant figure, a cat's eye, the hand of Fatima. You can pick up a specific amulet stone based on your zodiac sign, it will also help to activate financial flows.

How to make an amulet with your own hands

You can make yourself a talisman for good luck, for this you will need the simplest elements that can be found in everyone's house. The easiest way is to use a regular coin.

To perform the ritual at home, it is important to wait for the crescent moon. Then put the selected coin in a container with water, mentally refer to it, ask to become a talisman to attract financial well-being. Then, overnight, the coin is left in the moonlight, and in the morning it is placed in a specially prepared red wallet or bag.

Another simple way to attract money into the house is a string charm. To complete, you need 5 white threads and one red. They are placed in a bundle so that the target is in the center, then 5 knots are tied.

Important! The resulting talisman must be placed in a secluded place and not shown to anyone.

An amulet to attract financial flow can look completely normal, for example, like an ordinary silver bracelet or pendant. However, this topic should first be discussed, only in this case will it bring the expected result. To do this, on the night from Thursday to Friday, the object is placed in a glass of water and mentally asked for help. Once silver jewelry has been loaded, it should be worn without removing it.

Charging Talisman functions

The ritual is not particularly difficult, but it is very important to do everything accurately and believe in success.

The selected charm is placed on a cloth and wrapped with a cord 9 times. After that, it should be turned clockwise 9 times first, then the same number of rotations should be done in the counterclockwise direction.ritual of carrying a talisman to gain powerThen the charge is carried out with the forces of the elements: you must blow the amulet, imagining how the internal energy of the owner penetrates the amulet and endows it with life-giving power.

Pay attention! To enhance the impact, you can give it a name, for example, "success" and hold it over a candle flame for some time.

Performing activation

Activation is the most important condition for the correct use of charms properties. The easiest way to make your talisman work is to use the power of 4 elements. For this, the selected amulet is placed on the windowsill next to the open window, where it is saturated with energy from the air. Then, hold the candles over the flame, dip them in water and bury them briefly in a saucer with soil.

All this will help attract energy and contribute to its conservation. Having chosen a certain talisman for money, you need to take good care of it, not show off to friends and acquaintances, only in this case the amulet will perform its magical functions. True, you should be prepared for the fact that one day the amulet will disappear from the life of its wearer, this will mean that it has fulfilled the role that was assigned to it.